Stormwater Management Facilities


SOLitude Assists Delaware Church with Annual Project

March 30th, 2012

Written by Industry Expert John Phelps, Environmental Scientist On Saturday March 24th, SOLitude Lake Management attended the Brandywine Valley Baptist Church parishioner spring clean-up day. Volunteers came out to clean and make repairs to their church, tend to the landscaping needs and address the annual maintenance requirements of the stormwater BMP facilities on the property. […]

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What is the Purpose of Stormwater Ponds?

August 28th, 2009

by Kyle Finerfrock, Environmental Scientist Stormwater ponds are designed to be catch basins for developed areas. Stormwater ponds collect rainwater (stormwater runoff) that runs over impermeable surfaces such as parking lots, roads, and buildings. In undeveloped areas rainwater can be absorbed into the soil, taken up by trees and plants or flow into rivers, streams […]

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What Does A Lake Management Company Do?

August 4th, 2009

Do you own a lake or pond on your home or business property? If so, you must know the importance of hiring a pond management company to oversee the health of the surrounding environment and any aquatic life within. To leave a pond neglected on your land could lead to serious problems, including infestation and […]

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Proper Pond Management Important For Property Values and Water Quality

July 19th, 2009

Proper stormwater pond management always starts with restoring ecological balance. If a pond is balanced, everything else will take care of itself. The goal of pond management should always be to achieve that balance, not to attack individual problems in a piece meal, seemingly less expensive way, but that is typically more costly over time. […]

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