Success Stories and Case Studies | Golf Courses
Keeping a golf course in pristine condition requires superintendents to juggle numerous tasks throughout the year. Pond maintenance can be a frustrating add-on to their already busy job. Not only do algae, aquatic weeds and other water quality issues create an eyesore on your course, but they can affect the efficiency of irrigation systems. With the intricacies of golf course pond management, it’s important to have an expert manage your waterbodies.
Below are case studies highlighting a few of our success stories involving golf course projects.
Nuisance Plant Control on Golf Course | Bald Head Island, NC
This property is an island off the coast of North Carolina located at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. The country club is a golf course located on the island and is a favorite recreational spot for visitors. Like most golf courses, this one was built with numerous waterbodies in and around the course in order to challenge participants, enhance the aesthetic experience, and provide the primary source of irrigation for the course.
The ponds surrounding the golf course were highly infested with numerous species of nuisance vegetation. The types of vegetation causing the most issues were widgeon grass, macrophytic algae, and filamentous algae. The growth was so thick in the ponds that golf balls were commonly seen resting on top of vegetation, and it became hard to distinguish where the land ended and the water began.
Eradicating Floating Heart in Golf Course Pond | Palm Beach, FL
This property is a collection of suburban residential homes surrounding a golf course located at the northern tip of the Everglades. SOLitude Lake Management has been servicing this property for over ten years. Due to southeast Florida’s tropical climate and year-round growing season, many plants, both native and non-native, become invasive on land and water, requiring constant control methods. Aquatic vegetation (algae, Vallisneria, and hydrilla) was managed by repeated herbicide treatments in order to maintain proper water flow and lake/pond health.