Finding The Right Fish For Your Lake Or Pond
Depending on your overall lake and pond management goals, different predator species will play into your strategy. Based on annual water temperature highs and lows you can determine what predator species will best suit the pond and incorporate them into the overall vision.
Whether they are warm water fish, cool water fish, cold water fish or a combination, having the proper species of lake and pond fish is fundamental. Once you have established what predator species are desired, focus on the forage base. The right forage species depends on water temperature, structure, water movement, predator species and future management techniques.
With proper pond fish species selection, you can minimize upcoming efforts needed to keep your predator to prey ratio balanced. When it comes time to select the desired species, let the forage base establish prior to introducing the predators whenever possible. Your patience will be rewarded.
Need help finding the right lake and pond fish for your aquatic ecosystem? Ask the fisheries management experts at SOLitude Lake Management.