Ongoing Lake Management Services in New England
The health of lakes and ponds often takes a backseat as the year winds down. In New England, freezing temperatures can occur as early as October, causing HOA managers, municipal leaders, golf course superintendents, and other decision-makers to divert their attention to other imminent priorities. However, the Autumn season is still an important time for your waterbody. Stakeholders should use this window to think about their goals for their waterbody, outline a plan to achieve them, and obtain the proper permits for the coming year.
Obtaining Permits In New England for Lake Management
In New England, obtaining permits is of paramount importance. This complex and, at times, frustrating process is a prerequisite for implementing most environmental work, including annual waterbody management. Failing to comply with regulatory requirements can result in substantial fines or property liens. The narrow permit application window, typically running from December through March, requires meticulous planning, so it’s crucial to consult an experienced Aquatic Specialist as early as November. Missing the permit deadlines could mean waiting until the following year, leaving your lake or pond vulnerable to water quality issues during the summer months.
Reoccurring Maintenance Will Help Prevent Unsightly Water
Lakes and ponds are incredible assets, but let’s face it – they’re often a significant headache for those who oversee them. They can be finicky and unpredictable. Weeds and algae may appear seemingly overnight. Flooding and shoreline erosion may worsen with each rainstorm. It can be impossible to keep up with the ever-changing demands of your waterbody while balancing your other responsibilities.
A continuous maintenance approach is one of the best ways to promote a healthy, balanced waterbody that’s always ready to function as designed, whether it’s for stormwater collection, irrigation, or as a beautiful focal point.
Create A Science-Backed Management Plan
Whether you already have an Annual Management Program in place or are considering one for the coming year, it’s important to collaborate with an Aquatic Specialist to evaluate the current health of your waterbody and develop a tailored program based on your budget and expectations. Creating an accurate vision for the future may require gathering baseline information about your lake or pond through visual surveys and water quality sampling. By collecting data over time, professionals can develop a comprehensive profile of your waterbody that can help inform decisions and make management efforts more efficient.
Though every Annual Management Program is tailored to the needs of the waterbody and goals of stakeholders, most include a combination of the following strategies and solutions:
Water Quality Testing and Restoration in New England
Through an annual program, Aquatic Specialists routinely assess nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, and many other water quality parameters. Proactive testing makes it easier for experts to detect potential imbalances, such as elevated phosphorus levels, that impact weed and algae growth. A number of nutrient remediation products can be used to restore balance if nutrients exceed desired thresholds. Biological bacteria may also be introduced to help manage bottom muck and support a more balanced ecosystem. Though proactive water quality testing helps prevent nuisance growth before it appears, weed and algae treatments may be completed, as needed, through an Annual Management Program.
Maintain Oxygen Levels with Fountain and Aeration Maintenance
Fountains, surface aerators, and submersed aerators foster healthy aquatic ecosystems by increasing dissolved oxygen (DO) and distributing it throughout the water. DO is essential to biological processes below the surface, including fish respiration and the growth of the beneficial bacteria that play a central role in the decomposition of animal waste, dead plant materials, and other organic matter. Routine inspections by Aquatic Experts help ensure that the equipment and its electrical components remain unclogged and watertight. Not only does this help the system run optimally, but it may also preserve the lifespan of the equipment.
Perform Shoreline Maintenance
Maintaining a secure, healthy shoreline is vital for preventing erosion and the consequential accumulation of sediment at the lake or pond bottom, which can lead to volume loss and even flooding. Well-managed shoreline vegetation acts as a natural barrier that helps hold sediment in place and deter nuisance wildlife. It also helps filter pollutants from stormwater water as it flows into the waterbody during rainstorms. Through an Annual Management Program, Aquatic Specialists regularly remove weeds and other nuisance growth, closely monitor shoreline deterioration, and develop a proactive timeline for future restoration needs.
Additional Services for New England Lakes & Ponds
In addition to comprehensive water quality testing, aeration, and shoreline maintenance, an Annual Management Program may also include eco-friendly pond dye, fish stocking, mechanical removal of aquatic weeds, and other customized services. Furthermore, most programs include permitting assistance.
Keep Your New England Lake Beautiful Year-Round
Lakes and pond maintenance services are an investment, but the costs to kickstart your Annual Management Program and obtain the proper permits may help to reduce larger and unexpected expenses down the road. Partnering with an experienced professional can help you make the most appropriate decisions for your property and your wallet, so that you can maximize the use and enjoyment of your waterbody in the coming year.
SOLitude Lake Management is a nationwide environmental firm committed to providing sustainable solutions that improve water quality, enhance beauty and preserve natural resources.
SOLitude’s team of aquatic scientists specializes in the development and execution of customized lake, stormwater pond, wetland and fisheries management programs. Services include water quality testing and restoration, algae and aquatic weed control, installation and maintenance of fountains and aeration systems, shoreline erosion control, muck and sediment removal and invasive species management. SOLitude partners with homeowners associations, golf courses, private landowners, businesses and municipalities. SOLitude Lake Management is part of Rentokil, a leading business services company, operating across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
For more information, visit SOLitude Lake Management at, and connect on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.