Top 10 Reasons to Test Your Pond’s Water Quality

Much like a visit to the doctor’s office visit where bloodwork and other tests are performed, professional lake managers can use water testing parameters to gauge the overall health of a waterbody. Factors like dissolved oxygen (DO), alkalinity, pH, conductivity, nutrient levels, secchi depth, and bacteria counts all play a role in creating a unique management plan that is environmentally balanced.

The Top 10 reasons why you should have your pond’s water quality tested:

1. Gives quick insight into the overall health of a pond
2. Allows for informed and effective decisions for management and treatment strategies
3. Allows you to monitor the progression of a pond over time
4. Essential in developing a nutrient remediation program
5. Helps determine the proper fisheries management program
6. E. Coli tests will help determine if it is safe for swimming
7. Nutrient levels give an indication of current/future pond algae and vegetation issues
8. Certain algaecides and herbicides are more effective in certain water conditions
9. Helps determine effects of land use practices in the watershed
10. Determines the “drinkability” of water in a reservoir

As in modern medicine, there are some pretty strong pharmaceuticals and intensive surgeries that can occur, but are they really the best option to improve quality of life? In the water world it’s fairly simple to “nuke” a pond and make it look like a swimming pool, but overall is it really the best thing to do for the environment? Taking the time to test water quality and dive deeper into the unique characteristics of each waterbody will provide us with the opportunity to develop the best balanced pond management plan for the overall environment.

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