EutroPHIX: A Vendor Partner

Partnering with EutroPHIX to Restore Water Quality

SOLitude is proud to work with various vendors to offer our clients a variety of water quality management solutions. EutroPHIX, one of our vendor partners, has been a leader in creating effective water quality management products.

In the water quality restoration business for over 25 years, EutroPHIX offers many products including algaecides, phosphorus filtration bags, and phosphorus reduction products. Their algaecide products Oximycin P5, Phycomycin, PAK 27, and SeClear are effective tools to control nuisance and toxic algal blooms.

To get ahead of water quality issues like algae, SOLitude recommends targeting the problem at the source via nutrient management. EutroPHIX’s product, EutroSORB, can be utilized to help reduce nutrients and restore water quality in lakes and ponds.

What is EutroSORB?

EutroPHIX’s EutroSORB technologies are designed to restore water quality by reducing phosphorus levels and slowing the eutrophication process of lakes and stormwater ponds. EutroSORB comes in various forms, offering several options for clients and their unique waterbodies and management goals. It’s important to note that all EutroSORB products should be applied by a licensed and trained professional to ensure safe and effective applications.

Explore the EutroSORB technologies below:

EutroSORB F: Phosphorus Filtration Technology

EutroSORB filters focus on reducing phosphorus concentrations from external flowing water. The product is placed in a porous bag, which is then positioned next to inlets where filters cut off phosphorus at the source, helping to reduce buildup in lakes.

Benefits of EutroSORB F:

  • Easy to use – simply place it in water and remove it after recommended intervals
  • Does not impact water chemistry
  • High phosphorus binding capacity – approximately 100 lbs. of EutroSORB will remove 1 lb. of phosphorus
  • Exhausted EutroSORB media can be reused as a soil amendment or disposed of in a landfill

EutroSORB WC: Water Column Phosphorus Inactivator

EutroSORB WC is designed to target excess phosphorus in water bodies. It consists of a blend of phosphate-binding minerals that work to remove phosphorus from the water column. The product can be applied in several ways, including surface spray application, sub-surface injections, or by pouring it into areas where good mixing occurs.

Benefits of EutroSORB WC:

  • Does not impact water chemistry
  • Safe for fish, invertebrates, and personnel
  • No irrigation restrictions
  • Minimal product use for noticeable results

EutroSORB G: Phosphorus Locking Technology

EutroSORB G targets excess phosphorus in waterbodies. This high-efficiency lanthanum modified bentonite (LMB) formulation is designed to prevent the release of phosphorus from sediment. It provides quick improvements in water quality by rapidly and permanently removing phosphorus.

EutroSORB G Benefits:

  • Does not impact water chemistry
  • Safe for fish, invertebrates, and personnel
  • No irrigation restrictions

Which EutroSORB product is right for your waterbody?

With numerous nutrient management solutions available, it can be overwhelming to determine which product is best for your waterbody. Our team of experts is here to identify your water quality issues and recommend the appropriate solutions to help you reach your management goal. Contact your local lake management professional to learn if EutroSORB is the right solution for your waterbody.

Contact Us to Learn About EutroSORB

Call 888-480-5253 or complete the form below to speak to a lake management expert.

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